Sunday, August 22, 2010

What events led up to the war on terror?

I have to do like a time line on the events that led to the war on terror starting with 9/11 any one know? I cant find any information thank you

What events led up to the war on terror?
The war on terror is on hold while Bush wages war on Iraq. He only calls it the war on terror in an effort to rally supporters to his ill advised cause. He is actually increasing terrorism because he has killed so many thousands of innocent women, children, old men and young men. They will be patient but they will kill as many of us as they can for revenge.

What led up to the war on Iraq was Bush wanting to "finish what my daddy started". He was planning on invading Iraq long before 9-11

Also, he is making himself and his oil and big business buddies unimaginable wealth with his little war.
Reply:I agree with the above. In addition there were US embassies bombed in Africa.

I think the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan is important to the strength of Al Queda.

If you could get the book, "Future Jihad", you would find all the information you need in a very clear form.
Reply:There is so many but here is a few to help you out.

1993 the bombing of the World Trade center.

1995 Oklahoma bombings

1996 the Olympic bombings in Centennial park

1998 US Embassies in Tanzania bombed

1999 Columbine shooting

2000 the attack on the USS COLE

2001 we all know what happened here
Reply:There are countless attacks over decades that could be called the starting point. Muslims have been doing this for a very long time.

Media saturation

american outcry???


ties to Iraq???

Spain train bombing

British subway bombing

It is a misnomer and a distraction from the truth.
Reply:There is none as they had no credible information!

Iraq is not a "War on Terror", and neither is anything else they CLAIM is! There is no such thing!!

Bush was already talking about Iraq the day he got into office!

There are a whole host of terrorist attacks, including ones we were responsible for when the elected government of Iran was forced out by the CIA and the Shaw of Iran became the dictator!

Perhaps you should read the 9/11 commissions report. It is available in paperback!
Reply:1982 Lebanon bombing killing manuy US marines

1992 World Trade Center Bomb

199? Attack on USS Cole in Yemen

2001 911

Ben Ladin in Afganistan

Saddam paying Martyrs and their families to kill Americans. Then we considered Saddam a threat and our intelligence told Bush Saddam had Weapons of Mass Destruction. Saddam would not let UN inspectors in after many months of negotiations.

We went to war because of the 17 UN violations, the lack of cooperation of Saddam in regards to the UN inspectors, shooting down planes in the no fly zone. He started this when he invaded Kuwait, the coalition backed him off. He had France, Russia and members of the UN on his payroll to steal money from the oil for food program to build his palaces while his people starved. He gassed his own populations, there have been countless of thousands of Iraqis found in mass graves.

The Iraqi people were begging for their freedom from Saddam's tyranny.

Hope this helps.
Reply:There's a terrorism chronology at the below link, but it really started in AD 627 when Mohammed started a Jihad to kill anyone who wouldn't accept him as Leader. Islam means "Surrender". To a Jihadi it means "Surrender or Die!"

impacted wisdom teeth

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