Tuesday, August 17, 2010

What are the most significant events occured in asian history?

what are the most significant events in the history of asia?

what event and from what country did it came from?

why do you consider this/these as a significant event?

What are the most significant events occured in asian history?
Domestication of the dog, 14,000 years ago

Discovery of silk

The Yellow Emperor unifies China

Mongol conquest of China, and failed attacks on Japan

Reply:i kno alot of china ones:

Tiananmen Square,

Communist Revolution,

Boxer Rebellion,

period of warring states...

a few that had effect on the gov
Reply:they invented gun powder
Reply:the guy who stood up to a tank in china.

Edit: significant means important and the event that caused him to take that action.

Edit: the split of korean and the silk road.

Edit: and the most important, the events of Genghis Khan.

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