Sunday, August 22, 2010

Major events in history?

What major events that affected the world, economically, between roughly 1450 and 1750?

Major events in history?
The Hundred Years War was still dragging on. The battle of Formigny was fought during 1450.

The Byzantine Empire was in its death throes. Constantinople was finally captured in 1453.

Henry the Navigator was on the throne in Portugal, and the Portuguese had explored a long way down the west coast of Africa.

Frederick III became the Habsburg Emperor in 1452, and was the last Holy Roman Emperor to be crowned by the Pope.
Reply:i think one was the navigation acts that effected many countries b cuz u could only trade on English ship i that effected many countries economically. look up also the great napoleon cuz he did a lot of thinks that effected many countries because he was so powerful with an army behind him.
Reply:Actually, the MOST important economic event that occurred in history during that time period was the creation of railroads! They completely revolutionized the way goods were ferried and traded, and even molded the growth of almost every developed country in the world.
Reply:the renaissance, christopher colombus, the conquistidors, spanish armada.... there are alot of things you could do if you wouldnt ask and actually did research.. stop being lazy!

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