Sunday, July 11, 2010

Super Smash Brothers Brawl Events?

Hi. I am trying to unlock Jigglypuff by completing the first 20 events. unfortunately, i cant beat event 14: Sproutage of the Flower Pikmin. I am not sure how to beat it. Flowers show up and you can beat them into little disks. i do that and then throw them away. is that wat im supposed to do? i wait until the flowers all bloom but even after 3 minutes only 2 have bloomed. What am i doing wrong? How do i beat this event?

Super Smash Brothers Brawl Events?
get as many as you can before it rains
Reply:ok there are some basic things you need to know. those disks don't do anything. if your pikmin die you need to get new ones by just pressing B. don't let any get killed and they should all eventually sprout in time. keep doing this if your pikmin die and it should work.

oh p.s. I forgot you have to beat the subspace emmisary then do the events to unlock jigglypuff or do the events before you beat the sse, then beat the sse

good luck
Reply:You are supposed to have 6 of the little pikmin you spawn and have follow you bloom. You'll need to make 6, then protect them long enough for them to fully grow.

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