Friday, July 16, 2010

What are the top news events in America? SURVEY!?

1. identify the top five most important events concerning america since 2000

2.identify five most important events concerning america since 1900

3. I dentify five most important event in history of mankind/womankind

4. Top news stories in america since this june

What are the top news events in America? SURVEY!?
1. a. The War in Iraq

b. The Destruction of the Twin Towers on September 11th, 2001

c. Hurrican Katrina hitting New Orleans

d. the death of Sadam Hussein

e. the drastic decline in the world's bee population

2. a. The Great Depression

b. World War I

c. The desegration of schools and public places

d. World War II

e. The Vietnam War

3. a. the evolution of humankind from primates

b. the creation of a written language

c. the discovery of electricity

d. the creation of automobiles

e. world exploration and exploration of the solar system

4. a. Paris Hilton's legal problems

b. Michael Vick's arrest

c. Senator Craig's arrest following a sting operation in a Minneapolis airport

d. the paternity case involving Eddie Murphy and one of the Spice Girls

e. the shooting at Virginia Tech
Reply:War in Iraq, Afghanistan,

2. mass market of autos

masses get electricity

masses get telephone

WW 1 and 2, Korea, Iraq

masses get computers

3. Creation/Adam and Eve's fall

the flood

Jesus life and crucifiction

combustible engine

industrial revolution

4. housing market drop-banks calling in loans
Reply:no thanks....
Reply:Michael Vick, found Jesus, praise the lord haleluja.

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