Sunday, July 11, 2010

Should Olympic events be sexually integrated?

Should they get rid of separate events for men and women? After all, it's kind of sexist isn't it?

I mean, they don't have separate running events for blacks and whites, even though it's clear that blacks can run faster than whites.

Should Olympic events be sexually integrated?
I kind of like the idea of integrating sex into Olympic events.

Even now, I'm envisioning how adding a little spicy sex to the events will really liven things up. Mixed pairs figure skating is already quite erotic, so I think we'd have to make them skate naked.

Come to think of it, most events would have to be done naked. Gymnasts perhaps should be clothed, but receive points for how well they strip.

Bobsleds would have to be made of transparent Lucite™; otherwise, we'd never be able to tell who was grabbing who in there.

It will certainly give the biathlon a whole new meaning.
Reply:I agree with Daniel C. It's not sexist, it is a function of physiology.

I also think it would be interesting to have some coed teams in the Olympics. For example, a 4 person bobsled team with 2 men and 2 women, or a track relay team of 3 women and one man... there could be many interesting combinations.
Reply:Well, a female black can run faster than a female white, but that doesnt necessiate that she can run faster than a male white, right?

(X) Another consideration is that a 15 year old girl can easily race a 5 year old boy, no biggie.

If a guy performs a girl's gymnastic tric, he'll more than for sure end up in a hospital.

So the female body has adapted to do certain things that the made body cannot, like giving birth, while the male body could do things that the female cannot.

Well you can debate it with (X) but neither can you ever actually change the life cycle of a girl/boy (or) the meaning of beautiful and handsome.

Still, if there is a co-olympix - it would be a fun to watch :)
Reply:Equality does NOT mean sameness. Men and women were not created the same. Equality, in the case of Olympics or other sporting events means that women have equal opportunity to compete...against eachother.

It is ridiculous to suggest that women - by and large - could compete against men and have a level playing field. It has been tried in many sports, all only to prove that women AREN'T as fast or strong. Realistic women recognize this, and are happy having their own events. A few...particularly in the LPGA/PGA, have tried with poor results to play with the boys...which I thoroughly disagree with. The LPGA was created for women, and does not allow male competitors. Why, then, should the PGA be open to women?
Reply:Perhaps the Sexual Olympics?
Reply:Well, sports like faggitball (soccer), tennis, basketball and baseball could be integrated, but others such as rugby, gridiron and weightlifting shouldnt. Women are in an obvious disadvantage.
Reply:Men's and women's bodies generally aren't comparable in terms of ability. Men are larger, have longer legs, more muscle mass, etc. Yes, some individual men are smaller than some women and some individual women are larger than some men. They are anomalies.

Let's put it this way: you are a 5'4" male and your legs are 32" from hip to heel. I am a 6'5" male and my legs are 38" hip to heel. Assume we have the same percentage of fast twitch/slow twitch muscles and both work out the same way for the same time. I will beat you in any running event every time because I'm significantly larger with a longer stride and can cover more ground than you. Would you call that unfair?

That's the situation. It's not sexist. It's a fact of human physiology. If anything it would be sexist to deny the difference; women would consistently lose by a large percentage. Some would win, sure, but overall they wouldn't.
Reply:Well, it's good in theory, but really I doubt it would work. In general mens genetics and build let them do some sports better than women, where as womens build and genetics let them do some events better. It's more of a genetic thing than a equality one IMO. Blacks don't necessarily run faster than whites either, nor white faster than blacks. It depends on the amount of training/their ability in general.
Reply:If what you suggest happens, women wouldn't win anymore golds in the olympics ever again.
Reply:No. I mean they could try it and if it works out, good for them. But I think women can have a league of their own. I think they should stay separated
Reply:Yea they could...but in reality there are very few women who could compete with the men(unless on steroids) not being sexist, but its true, you would see the womens metals drop to almost 0, there may be a few who could compete in the mens league but there isnt enough to justify that kind of change.
Reply:Yes men and women are EQUAL, there is no reason to NOT let men and women compete against each other. Do away with the Wnba, if a woman is good enough the Chicago bulls will sign her up :-)).

Wow Feminust, are you saying men and women are NOT equal ? Burn the witch !!
Reply:No, not practicable.
Reply:Sure, integrate all olympic sports. Lets start with weight lifting and heavy weight boxing!
Reply:Showjumping is a mixed event. Women riders may have less strength than a man but more finesse.

technicily men and women and white and black ppl do have different sub cutaneous layers of fat which makes them more or less athletic.

so if you ask me they should either split it all up or put it all together and sense racial activist would raise hell if thier were black and white olympics maybe we shoud make it eqaul acrossed the bored.

btw, troll-shark gymnastics is greek for naked gym. both gymnastics and boxing used to be done naked in the ancient olympics
Reply:I agree. If sports were co-ed across the board, we wouldn't have girls suing to try out for boys' teams (like what happened last year where I come from).
Reply:No its a fact of life that men and women have strengths and weakness's in different area's. It comes down to the whole hunter / gatherer traits of our predecessors.

Labeling this as sexist is like calling the age group ranking they have in children's sports ageist.

teeth pain

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