Sunday, July 11, 2010

Pokemon Diamond/Pearl Nintendo Events in Australia?

Hey i am a skilled pokemon catcher and love expanding my collection but i want the legendary pokemon Darkrai, Shaymin and Arcues which all are obtained from Nintendo Events. I have only heard of Nintendo Events in Japan, America, Hong Kong etc. will there be any upcoming events possibly near sydney where i can get those three pokemon?

Pokemon Diamond/Pearl Nintendo Events in Australia?
I live is Aussie too, and im afraid to say, they dont support events here in Australia. They are mainly only held in really busy areas, like croatia, Japan of course, and places in America.

You can get those three pokemon though by trading, through nintendo wi-fi. Try visiting this site:

There, you can post and ask for someone to give you the pokes for a good deal, or maybe even for free like i managed. Good site too, with pretty cool people.

Good luck!
Reply:well there was a manaphy event in westfelds

at jb hi-fi stores in australia

and a darkrai event in toys r us at america

and the next event is going to be a wi-fi mystery gift event you need wi-fi to do the mystery gift

Hope that helped you
Reply:You can trade them with people or use Action Replay codes to get them.

Event-only stuff are so unfair... %26gt;:(
Reply:Not to what i know of, and i wouldn't expect any... But that's the great thing about the wi-fi trade.

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